The LTA fire protection concept for machine tools
In the metalworking industry, and particularly chip-forming operations, it's common to use large quantities of cutting fluid (coolant.)
These coolants generally non-water-soluble, modern oils which have the tendency to form explosive compounds in contact with air. When heated to above their flash point, they form explosive vapor/air compounds. Choosing coolants the highest possible flash points helps to counter this effect. What can't be avoided, however, is the formation of aerosols through spray aeration or pulverization.
Aerosols are potentially explosive even below the flash point. When using oil/water emulsions (water-soluble coolants,) only a water content of over 80% can reliably prevent fire.
There are a number of safety measures required in order to use non-water-soluble coolants in machine tools. LTA Lufttechnik has developed a special fire and explosion protection system, which has been appraised by an independent institute (IBEXU.)