Restorative dressing
Uneven wear can arise on grinding wheels due to high blank tolerances. This wear affects the quality of the workpieces and the service life of the grinding wheels. The RETROFiT "Restorative dressing” package combines structure-borne sound measurement for the grinding wheel with intelligent software. The dressing process can detect irregular wear through structure-borne sound and the software uses this data to calculate the ideal dressing process for the condition of the grinding wheel in question. In doing so, the wheel is only dressed as much as necessary.
Ideal grinding wheel profile ensures consistently high-quality workpieces – and in turn, satisfied customers. JUNKER RETROFiT stands for sustainably better quality and productivity.
Package scope:
- Software package
- Installation
- Structure-borne sound measurement system adjustment
- Consistently high workpiece quality
- Longer grinding wheel service life
- Perfect grinding wheel profile for excellent results